Always open an existing EVC Template library file (or previous Tender) first, as this will contain all the resources and reports required.


Click on the Crest Globe (Application Menu) in the top left-hand corner of screen, and select ‘File > Open’, or select a project from the ‘Recent Projects’ list.



After opening a template or previous tender, before you continue it is best practice to open the main menu and do a 'Save As', this ensures you do not accidentally change or 'Overwrite' your template.

By using ‘File > Save As’ from the Valesco menu, you can choose a location and a filename to store your new Tender Project file.


Note: the file should be replaced with your new filename.


When saving in this way, the new EVC file created will contain all the resources, views & reports required. The EVC file does not contain any links to any previous templates, libraries or other projects – it is completely standalone.


Note: Valesco Estimating & Valuations is also available as an SQL based system, where all resources and reports are in a common centralised database.