Valesco Estimating can be used as a Bill creation tool. The process used in creating a BoQ within Valesco is simple but may vary, depending on whether you wish to create a blank document to price in a separate operation or create a resourced but un-quantified BoQ from your resource headings library.


There are 4 methods for creating a BoQ:

  1. Manual entry
  2. Import from Excel spreadsheet
  3. Quick Bill using Resource Library
  4. Copy & Paste from existing Bill Items  

Before creating Bills, Pages and Bill Items it is good practice to configure the Project Settings to reference the Bill of Quantities as you require.


Bill Reference setup

Depending upon the settings in your Project > Settings > References dialogue, a page number may have been automatically generated.


In the example below, the auto page numbering is set to Numeric, therefore all Page & Bill Item referencing will be automatic.

These settings will produce this:


The Insert Toolbar

Once this initial setup is done, you may now start adding Bills, Pages, Text (headings) and Measurable (BoQ item) components to the page.

Typical BoQ structure



The ‘Tree’ structure of a Bill of Quantities has a defined order:

  • Bill
  • Page
  • Text & Measured Items
  • Page Total
  • Page Collection (for multiple pages)
  • Main Summary (for multiple Bills)


To insert an item from the Toolbar, select the element in the Tree View where you wish to add an item, Valesco will insert below the selected element.

Copying from Previous Projects

You may wish to copy sections of work from a previous project (Tender).

In the 'Tree View', selection the section you may wish to copy. 

This can be 'The Project', a 'Bill', 'Page', Multiple 'Items' and/or 'Text' or a single 'Item' and/or 'Text'

Highlight the section you wish to copy, from a previous project. Right Click and choose copy.

Now in your new Project, highlight the section before where you would want to place the copied section.

Right click and choose paste

Once done you will notice the section has been pasted into you Project


Any resources assigned to items in the project you are copying from will also be copied over.