Earned Value allows you to see the overall analysis of your job after applying margin (as described in Project Mark-up or Group Mark-up Policy).
The analysis will show the costs, mark-up and revenue attributed to the Cost Groups, Work Groups or Subcontractor Groups.
To calculate Earned Value, go to Project Review Toolbar > Earned Value
- Click the mouse on Project from the menu bar, then select Earned Value. Valesco opens the Earned Value window.
- Select the required Quantity to calculate the values from,
e.g. BoQ, Cumulative Claimed, etc.
- Select the Group order for the Analysis, e.g. Cost/Work/SC Category.
- Select the columns to display using the choices through Select Columns
- Click the mouse on Calculate Now to display the job analysis.
This window displays a summary of the net and adjusted costs within the job.
Note: The margin cannot be adjusted here. The window displays the analysis for information only. See Project Markup or Group Markup Policy for details of changing margin on the job.