The reports can be accessed from the Project or Project Review toolbar.








If you wish to print any report to a PDF, select a suitable PDF printer or download one.  If using Windows10, select the ‘Microsoft Print to PDF’.


If you wish to copy and paste a report to another document (e.g. Word or Excel), select Output > Clipboard which copies to the Windows clipboard, then paste into the document required.

Access Report Writer from ‘Project / Reports...’ or click this toolbar icon  



The dialog lists all of the reports that have been created in the template file and includes both estimating and post contract reports.


By selecting (e.g.) Payment Application and then clicking the <Edit…> button you can view how the report has been designed.


Editing/Creating a report

The BoQ Format Report dialog is sub divided into a number of Tabbed screens.


Details Tab

Shows the global settings that can be applied to a report e.g. Summary and Carry Forward Text, Filter associated with the report etc.


BoQ Fields Tab

In a similar way to defining the grid views (described previously) this dialogue allows Valesco data fields to be selected from the hierarchal tree in the “Advanced Fields” pane and added to the list in the “Selected Fields” pane. The column(s) can be given a custom name and numeric format. Additionally, some fields have the option of being shown as rate or value.


Layout Tab

The Layout Tab allows page orientation, paper size/margins and fonts to be defined






Cover Page Tab

This allows a cover sheet to be included with the print-out. This can include Valesco data fields such as Valuation date and number as shown below.


Header/Footer Tabs

The Header and Footer Tabs allow text to be added in a reserved banner space above and below the generated report. This space is divided into Left, Centre and Right areas as denoted by the sub-tabs on the dialog. These spaces can contain Free Text, Data Fields or a combination of both.


The header/footer banner space will be expanded to accommodate the maximum number of rows of text entered in one of the sub-tab screens.