New – Creates a new file with no BoQ data, no resource data and no reports (not recommended)


Open – Leads to an File Open dialogue where an existing data file can be selected and loaded


Refresh – When using shared data stored on a network database, this option will interrogate the data records and update any information that may have been changed by other users since the file was loaded.


Close - Will close the current active data file.


Save – Will save the current active data file overwriting the previous version (i.e. before any changes were made)

Save As… – Will save the current data file allowing a new file name to be used thus leaving the existing (as loaded) file intact.


Open Database… – Leads to a dialogue where you can choose an SQL Database to open a project contain within that Database.

New Database… – Leads to a dialogue where you can choose an SQL Database to create a new project utilising central resources.


Save Database… – Leads to a dialogue where you can choose an SQL Database to save your current project too.


[Note: Utilising an SQL Database is advanced functionality and should only be done by advanced users who have undergone training and had specific instruction from Crest Software on implementation]


Print… – Leads to a print dialogue where printer options can be set and the currently defined report can be printed.


Print Preview – Allows you to view, on screen, the currently defined report before committing it to print.


Print Setup – Opens a dialogue where paper size and print options can be accessed.


Print DimPads for selected items – runs a multi-page DimPad report that includes all dimensions, as applicable, for items in the current selection set (i.e. ticked in tree view).


Print Preview DimPads for selected items – runs a preview of the report as detailed above.


Options – Leads to a dialog where general user options can be set e.g. Autosave settings, Warnings, numeric formats and precision values etc.


Spell Checker Options – Used to access options for the third-party spell checker.


Email… - Leads to an e-mail dialogue where you can choose to send your Valesco data file as an e-mail attachment using your default e-mail system.


Help - Gives access to the help file options, Crest website, e-mail support options and also allows you to establish which version of Valesco you are using.


Recent Files list – Displays a list of the most recently used files. Selecting a file on the list will load the corresponding data file. User options can change the number recent files listed in the range 0-8


Exit – Closes the currently loaded data file(s) and shuts down Valesco.

Licence - Opens the Licence Administration window (only if no project is loaded).