
Entering measurements into the DimPad

The DimPad has been designed to represent the paper form of the dim sheet as closely as possible, particularly in relation to the multiplication and “dotting-on” of quantities in the multiplier column.


The procedure for entering quantities is as follows.


  1. The Unit of Measure applicable to your BoQ item will dictate the number of measure rows to suit i.e. one row for Nr or Linear items, two for m2 items and three rows for m3 items.

  2. Choose whether or not the total quantity is linked to the Valesco data field by selecting the option on the DimPad Tab.

  3. Enter the first dimension (length) and the <Return> the value will be added and the selection will move down to the next cell. Assuming you are measuring a m3 item, repeat this to enter the width and depth. Once the measure set has been completed a new, blank, data row will be created - Until this stage the previous measure information is not valid and will not be saved.




  1. If you need to add multiplication data (say “twice times”) to your dimensions, click the bottom right corner of the multiplier cell and enter “/2” <Return>. It is important to understand that, just as when written on paper, each new row of multiplication must always start with the “/” character.



  1. If you wish to add a second row of multiplication (i.e. make your multiplier “2x2x”) then click diagonally above and to the left of the original multiplier and type “/2” <Return>



  1. Dotting-on multipliers has been accounted for by using the “+” symbol thus preventing the use of decimal fractions being disabled. To dot-on to a previously entered multiplier, click to the immediate left of (and on the same row as) the previous multiplier and type “+1” <Return>.



  1. If it is necessary to remove multiplier data, this can be achieved by editing changing a multiplier into a 1 (i.e. “1x”) or a dotted-on figure to a zero (“+0”).
    To edit: Right-Click on Multiplier  


  1. Deducts are entered by placing a minus character “-“ in front of one of the dimensions thus calculating a negative total. Valesco will display a negative total in red font and also bracket the total so that negatives are easily identified on a black and white printed page.


  1. Text can be entered directly into the Notes and Description cells of the DimPad.


  1. The number of decimals required in the dimensions will default to 2 but can be changed to allow for e.g. Tonnage (3dp) or Numeric (1dp) items by selecting the add/remove decimals icons;


  1. Measure can be copied and pasted from one DimPad to another by using the Copy/Paste buttons on the DimPad toolbar. NB keyboard shortcuts for copy/paste should not be used with the DimPad. You can copy/paste an entire DimPad or a row of measurement. When pasting an entire DimPad you will be given the option of pasting the data or creating a link. If a link is created then any future changes made in the original “source” DimPad will be reflected in and update the target DimPad


  1. To delete a row of DimPad calculations, simply click on the grey marker cell to the extreme left of the row you wish to delete. This will highlight the entire row. You can now press the delete icon on the DimPad toolbar. If you wish to delete multiple rows of measure information from a DimPad page, click and drag across multiple row marker cells before selecting the DimPad delete icon.


  1. To output the DimPad data the Print or Print Preview buttons can be used.


  1. The use of PI (π) is also permitted…

    To enter π simply type /PI into the Multiplier