Valesco allows the estimator to apply up to 10 user-defined multiply/divide Production Factors to individual resource assignments.


Application of a Production Factor will affect the Production rate for a given resource that will, in turn, affect the calculated rate.


As an example, if a JCB has a production rate of 8m3 per hour and a Production Factor (multiplier) of 2 is applied, then the machine would double its output to 16m3 per hour. This would effectively half the resource required to achieve the quantity of excavation in the BoQ and therefore reduce the cost associated with that resource by 50%. If a Production Factor (divider) of 2 were applied, this would have the inverse affect – halving the output, doubling the resource required and therefore doubling the value.


To create a new Production Factor select the Production Factors option from the Components menu and add new production factors…






Each factor that you create can be either a multiplier or a divider. The option is set in the Type field against each new Production Factor that you create.


Having created a Production Factor, the factor will appear as a column in the resource sub-tab of the Pricing screen. By default each factor will have a value of one and therefore has no effect on the calculated rate. (i.e. divide by one or multiply by one)



The Production Factor(s) will only have an affect once a value other than one has been entered (for clarity the affected cells have been shaded in the example below…)