Bulk Change User/Works Order Fields allows you to make global amendments to a range of items in one pass. This avoids having to visit each item individually to make the same change.


The changes will be applied to all the items selected using a filter, or where manually selected. These are indicated in the BoQ Tree by the red tick next to selected items.


The meaning and setting up the values available for each field are described in the User Fields Chapter. This section only deals with applying the required changes.


For clarity, only the operation of changing User Fields is described below, but Bulk Change User Fields and Bulk Change Works Order Fields work in the same way.



To make a Bulk Change to User Fields

1. Click the mouse on Actions from the menu bar, and then select BoQ User Fields from the Bulk Change section. Valesco opens the Bulk Change User Fields window.


2. Enter the new values for each User Field to be applied to your selection. (The values entered will depend on the field properties that you set up for your User Fields).


3. When all the details have been set click the mouse on OK to apply the User Field changes.