This method of marking up is used to apply a specific Mark-up to Cost Group rates within the estimate.

To apply a Mark-up using the Group Mark-up Policy select the Project Review toolbar.


Select Group Mark-up Policy (orfrom the toolbar). Valesco opens the Mark-up Matrix window…



There are two tabs on this window, Unadjusted and Adjusted. The Unadjusted tab allows you to view and edit the values in the matrix and shows the percentages applied (if any) to be globally applied to the corresponding work or cost groups. 

The Adjusted tab displays the total percentage applied to each group by Mark-up policy and individually. The values are not editable on this tab.


To adjust the Group Mark-up Policy, use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars, locate a Cost Group/Cost Type within the matrix to apply your Mark-up value. The value can be edited within the cell.


This policy can be used to allow, for example, a higher Mark-up on high-risk items such as groundworks (as shown above) where the contractor may be “at risk” for unforeseen ground conditions. 

It can also be used to add bias to the estimate and improve cash-flow by allowing a higher margin on early operations and a lower margin on subsequent items.