In this utility, the final bid value can be adjusted to suit market conditions.

For example, the Total Revenue (bottom right-hand cell) can be simply over-typed to give the desired total.


Project Mark-up Adjustment

The Project Mark-up facility allows you to apply a global Mark-up to pegged and/or un-pegged items in the estimate. However, a Group Mark-up Policy must already have been entered before an overall Project Mark-up Adjustment can be applied.


To open the Project Mark-up window select Project\Project Mark-up from the menu bar (or  from the toolbar).

Valesco opens the Project Mark-up window…




This window displays a summary of the net and adjusted costs within the estimate. If no Mark-up has been previously applied and if no individual items in the job have been marked up and pegged, all the adjustment fields will show “0” values. In this case, applying a Project Mark-up will have no effect as there are no existing margins that can be adjusted to accommodate the changes made here.


This dialogue allows you to change the adjustment already applied (e.g. by Mark-up Policy) and to apply a further adjustment if required. You can enter your adjustment as a margin value or percentage as well as entering the revenue (sale) value for the job. When a revenue value is entered, the remaining figures in the row are reverse calculated to reflect the new revenue value.


Making changes to the overall Mark-up in this dialogue will respect the distribution of Mark-up that you previously set in the Group Mark-up policy i.e. the Mark-up will be distributed adjusted in proportion to the original group policy.


Using Project Mark-up to adjust Unpegged Margin

Click the mouse in the any field on the Un-pegged row and type in the required value. Move to another field if required or select the <OK> button to save the entered value(s).


Using Project Mark-up to adjust Pegged Margin

Click the mouse in the any field on the Pegged row and type in the required value. Move to another field if required or select the <OK> button to save the entered value(s).


Using Project Mark-up to adjust Pegged and Unpegged Margin

Click the mouse in the any field on the Total row and type in the required value. Move to another field if required or select the <OK> button to save the entered value(s).


NB Once values have been entered in the Adjustment columns and you either move to another field or save, the entered values will disappear, leaving the field blank.


To reset the Mark-up Policy back to its Un-adjusted value, go to Project Review Toolbar > Margin/Mark-up Policy, and click the Reset button.