Factors are used to apply additional costs to resources. Typical factors used are for wastage and small quantities as these have an affect on the cost of any resource.


You can add any factor to your job at any time.


To edit a Factor


1. Click the mouse on the mouse on the Factors icon on the Components menu, or select Edit, Components and Factors from the menu bar. Valesco opens the Factors window.

You may choose to amend your list by using any of the following functions:



Close Close the current window when all changes have been made.

New Add a new Tag to your job list.

Edit Amend an existing record.

Delete Delete an existing record.

Move Up Move the highlighted record up the order of the list.

Move Down Move the highlighted record down the order of the list.



To add a new Factor


1. From the Factor window, click the mouse on the New button. Valesco opens the Factors Details window.

2. Enter the new Factor name in the Name field.


3. Check the Read Only check-box if you do not wish the Factor to be amended.


4. Add any additional notes on the Notes tab.


5. Click the mouse on OK to save the entry and close the Factor details window.



To delete a Factor


1. Highlight the required Factor from the list.


2. Click the mouse on the Delete button.


3. Confirm the deletion of the Factor when prompted.


Warning: You can only delete a Factor that has not been assigned to Resources. If a Factor that you wish to delete has been allocated to resources, you must assign another Factor to those resources before deleting.