Data is most conveniently edited in a Spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel.

Each item must be on a separate line.

Each item’s fields are separated by the comma character (ASCII code 44).

It follows that commas in text fields will cause the separation between fields to become distorted. To avoid this occurrence, commas in text fields (e.g. the description) must be replaced by the "Pipe" character (Shift+\). Valesco will convert this character back to a comma when imported

For the same reason avoid comma separated thousands format in numeric values.

First line only

Valesco Version 2.0 Import File,Cost Type 1, Cost Type 2, Cost Type 3, ……. Cost Type n

Cost Type 1 to Cost Type n are the names of Cost Types such as Labour, Plant, Material etc. The names encountered by Valesco in this line will appear as Cost Types in this order in the project file.

For every item of the document to be imported each line of the record must be laid out as follows:

Col Item Fields

A  Bill

B Page

C Sequence Number

D Numeric Type (can be 1,2,5,6,7,8, 9 See Record Types Chapter)

E Reference

F Description (max 255 characters),

G Unit


I Paid Rate

J Claimed Rate

K Adjustment Factor

L Previous FinalEstimated Qty

M Cumulative Final Estimated Qty

N Prev Claimed Quantity

O Cumulative Caimed Quantity

P Previous Paid Quantity

Q Cumulative Claimed Quantity

R Previous Internal Quantity

S Cumulative Internal Quantity

T Cost Group (if blank it is set to unallocated)


 The following fields are Optional


U Cost Type 1 Net Rate

V Cost Type 2 Net Rate

W Cost Type 3 Net Rate

Y .

Z .

Next Cost Type n Net Rate

Next  <USER>

Next T1

Next User Text 1

Next T2

Next User Text 2

Next Tn (Maximum 30)

Next User Text n

Next D1

Next User Date 1

Next D2

Next User Date 2

Next Dn

Next User Date n (Maximum 10)

Next N1

Next User Number 1

Next  N2

Next User Number 2

Next Nn

Next  User Number n (Maximum 10)