Project Review Menu
Subcontractor Compare – Leads to the Subcontract Comparisons grid where comparisons are carried out.
Supplier Compare – Leads to the Supplier Comparisons grid where comparisons are carried out.
Mark-up Policy (Group) – Leads to a dialogue where the Mark-up policy can be viewed and edited. Displays the percentage Mark-up per Cost Group/Cost Type. This allows you to, for example, consider a higher Mark-up on higher risk elements of the project such as groundworks and reduce the Mark-up on more defined (better designed) areas such as Reinforcement or Brickwork.
Earned Value – Accesses the EV matrix which allows on-screen EV calculations to be prepared according to your Cost Group/Work Group/User Group/Cost Type structure. The resulting matrix can be exported via the clipboard or an ASCII file for comparison with outputs from your accounting software.
Project Mark-up – This where a global Mark-up adjustment (either as a percentage or a value) can be set for the project – Requires a Group Mark-up Policy to be set first.
Quants Report – where Quant items have been used to quantify a parent item. This report creates a Cost Matrix based on automated Work Group headings.
Adjudication Report – if Excel is open, this will export a condensed summary report for the whole project to Excel.
Reports – quick access to the Report Manager
Convert to Valuation – Converts an estimating data file to Post Contract mode.
Month End – In a post contract file performs an end of month rollover routine
Resource Centre – Allows the User to see which resources are used where.