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Bulk Change Options

The facility to carry out multiple editing in a single operation, to Bill elements that have been selected in the Tree View 


Details – Change fields such as Bold, Underline or Indent Level


Costing – The facility to change costs of multiple BoQ items in a single operation.


Resource Assignments – The facility to add multiple resources to a single item in a single operation.


Sub-Contractors – The facility to choose multiple subcontractors and perform selected operations.


Measurement – Bulk change such fields as Percentage Complete


Tags – add a number of items to a pre-defined Tag for subsequent filtering/reporting


BoQ User Fields – assign a pre-defined User Defined data field to a number of items


WO User Fields – 


Dim Pad Linking – Valuations Only


Rate Linking – Valuations Only


Resource Centre – Allows the User to see which resources are used where.


Enquiry Management – Launches CrestDocs Document Management System


Cut and Shuffle – Will sort all BoQ items and combine items with the same short description, long description and rate into a single item, the quantity being the total of the original item totals. (Disabled for a valuation file).


Re-reference All Bill Items – Will re-number the Bills/Pages/Items by applying the auto numbering conventions specified in the “Project\Settings\Numbering” dialog


Resource Centre… – Launches the Resource Centre Dialogue allow you to see all resources within your project and what they are assigned to, if you have a measured item selected it will launch in assignment mode allowing you to add new resources to an item.