There are three further methods of adding new resources.
- Clone existing resources
- Add multiple resources in the Resource Manager
- Import bulk resources from Excel using the .RES format
Cloning a resource
‘Right-click’ on an existing resource, select ‘Clone Resource’, then edit the pop-up box. Click OK and complete the details of the new resource.
Note: The Name (ID or Short Description) has to be unique
Add multiple new resources in the Resource Manager
The ‘Create Basic Resource’ icon can be used for creating multiple new resources using the ‘Quick’ function.
Open the Resource Manager, turn off any filtering, select where you wish to add the multiple new basic resources, hold the ‘Shift’ key down and click the ‘Create Quick Basic Resource’ icon. This will create a new resource for every click.
Edit the resource as required for Cost Type, Resource Group, Description and Rate.
Import bulk resources from Excel using the .RES format
We suggest you contact the Crest Software Support Team for further advice on how to use the .RES format.
The Valesco Excel import format of Basic Resources is this…
To import a formatted document into the Resource database, go to Project > Import > RES