The newest addition to our Excel Add-In - the Update Base Rates button - is designed to help you bulk update the Resource Base Rates of a single project. Clicking the button once will create a template spreadsheet in Excel, and clicking it again on this template window will import the base rates into Valesco.




The template contains three columns to be filled. Alternatively, multiple templates can be created by opening a new workbook and clicking the Update Base Rate button. Below is an example of how the template looks:



Crest Base Rate Update Template

The Resource Reference column needs to be filled out with the IDs of the resources you wish to update. If the ID specified in the row matches a Resource in Valesco, then that resource will have its Base Rate overwritten, whereas rows where the ID doesn't match up to any in Valesco will be created as a new resource and added to the "Unallocated" Resource Set.


The Resource Base Rate column needs to contain the revised Base Rate for each resource. You can include as many decimals as you like up to 5.


Once the template has been filled out, make sure the project you wish to update for is open in Valesco and click the Update Base Rates button again. A progress bar will show on the screen, giving you an indication of the length of the process. When the process has completed Valesco will refresh and the new Base Rates will be implemented.


Recommended Procedure:

  • Create a suitable Resource Manager Grid View to copy the required resources
  • Open the “Resource Base Rate Update.xlsx”
  • Paste the contents of the clipboard
  • Update the Base Rates in the spreadsheet
  • To re-import the latest rates, open the Project EVC file
  • In Excel, go to Add-ins > Update Base Rates
  • The Base Rates will be updated and the ‘Last Change’ will verify change date.





This utility works with both EVC and SQL enabled systems