Project Constants are a set of user-defined variables that can be used in addition to the "Project Settings".

The list of constants can include additional details about the job, such as Project Estimator, Telephone or Contact details, common values, statistics etc. Once created, Project Constants are available to use in Report Headers and User Variable calculations.

User Variable calculations are described elsewhere in the Help system.



To add or edit Project Constants

  • Click the mouse on Project Toolbar, and then choose Constants. Valesco opens the Project Constants window.
  • Click the "New" button to add a new project constant that can be either Text (e.g. Project Title)
    or Numeric (e.g. Currency conversion factor)
  • Highlight an existing Constant and click the "Edit" button to change an existing Constant
  • Highlight an existing Constant and click the "Delete" button to change an existing Constant
  • Highlight existing Constant(s) and click the "Move Up" or "Move Down" buttons to change the order of existing Constants.

Note: You do not have to add any further information about your job if you do not wish to, but you may use any details here later to analyse the progress of the job in the system.